As long as you are not well accustomed to VRML navigation,
it is usually a good thing to restrict navigation to
Walk or Avatar
However, it is just as important to get familiar
with the use of other navigation modes like Fly
and Examine as soon
as you can
Before you are really accustomed to 3D navigation,
you may also find pleasant to reduce the navigation
When visiting
a VRML site, it is also important that you use the predefined
(when the author created some) because they allow much
easier navigation and take you to places you probably
would never have thought of yourself.. Predefined
Viewpoints in the above example are "Frontview",
"From SouthEast", "From
SouthWest", "From North",
The buttons of the left hand part of the Toolbar
are navigation buttons (See image here on left)
I already mentioned the <Walk>
and <Fly> buttons,
and they work according to their names.
The <Study>
button is the Cortona implementation of the VRML <Examine>
capability. It works with the <Plan>,
<Pan>, <Turn>
and <Roll> buttons
right below. I shall not attempt providing you with
any description of what these buttons do. Just
try by yourself.
As regards the <Goto>
button at the bottom, I shall say that it does what
it says, but rarely what you expect... Just click
on it and then click on one of the objects located on
your screen